In memory of our kind, gentle and creative friend who died over the weekend in San Diego – We’ll miss his visits by train, his concern about our well-being, his holiday phone calls, presence and presents; his drawings, paintings and collages, which arrived in the mail without fail for every New Year, birth and anniversary. . . We’ll miss his kindness, his wisdom, his worldliness.
Nathan was one of the last of an era. G’luck, Nathan Gluck!

– GF + TA + family
I just heard the news from San Diego of Nathan's passing.
He was a great guy and full of so much color.
He was a true New Yorker on many levels. I will miss him.
Santi-Jose Acosta
Ave atque Vale to a wise old friend
George & Sonia Tscherny
Our community has never had a friend as gentle, and kind, who welcomed so many young designers, and started us on the path to preserve our history. What a gift we had.
I was really sorry to hear that dear Nathan is no longer with us in this world. A wonderful human being who nourished my every visit to NYC.
Though continents apart, he constantly cared and watched out for me as I tried to navigate the design universe. I'll always remember his compassion, generosity and how gently he tread, like his most miniscule carbon footprint.
You will be sadly missed, amigo.
Chaz Maviyane-Davies
A kinder, gentler soul I have never met. From our days together at AIGA, a memorable few weeks with Nathan when he visited us while we lived in Paris (you can imagine what a unique experience it was to travel and see Paris through Nathan's eyes), his visits to Westchester, and lunches in the city, his special gifts and goodies, I treasure each moment spent with him. It was always special. I am happy my three boys were able to know Nathan as well and gain from his unique perspective and limitless knowledge. Dear friend, you will be sorely missed.
Susan Marks
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