22 October 2010

Suitable for Modern chicks

Dwell Magazine posted this story on a chicken coop that will go nicely with your modern, or not, home.

Mitchell Snyder, architect & chicken owner says: “The living roof helps keep the coop cool, but mostly it was a chance to experiment and design something fun,” The only thing Snyder would change, in retrospect, is the human 
access: “We have to crouch down a little to go through the run and into the coop to clean it.” Hmmm. From the looks of it, I thought that might be the case...

Love the green roof! Air circulation and accessibility are so important – combine all that into a Mod Coop 2.0 pre-fab and maybe I'll just get my chickens after all! – GF


  1. I wonder if they build one in human size...human coop? I'll take one!

  2. I designed a De Stijl chicken coop a while ago but the client didn't build it: http://timboyle.com/coop/coop2.jpg

  3. Tim – I LOVE it – what a beauty! May I post it with credit to you, and point to your website?
